Representing Your Interests

The SMLMA ensures local physicians have a
voice in shaping healthcare policy.


Board LeadershipThe Sonoma County Medical Association, a component medical society of the California Medical Association, supports local physicians and their efforts to enhance the health of the community. In addition to its community health initiatives, SCMA offers a wide array of legal, collegial and advocacy benefits to its members. The medical association also publishes several helpful periodicals and sponsors various committees that safeguard the profession of medicine.

Founded in 1858, SCMA is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit association governed by a board of directors composed of local physicians. SCMA welcomes all physicians, respects diverse interests and acts as a unifying force in the community. Interested physicians with MD or DO degrees can join both SCMA and CMA by completing a simple, one-page application form.

In January 2022, SCMA merged with the Mendocino-Lake County Medical Society to create a regional medical association named the Sonoma-Mendocino-Lake Medical Association (SMLMA).

Community Health Initiatives

SMLMA enhances the health of the community by helping local residents gain the knowledge, motivations and opportunities needed to make informed decisions about their health. The medical association supports local, state and national efforts to promote healthy behaviors, create healthy environments and increase access to high-quality health care. Current SCMA health initiatives include:

  • SMLMA Specialty Access. This initiative seeks to improve access to specialty care for uninsured and underinsured patients in Sonoma, Mendocino and Lake Counties. Working in collaboration with physicians, safety net providers, community organizations and regional hospital systems, the goal is to create a specialty referral system for uninsured and underinsured patients throughout the county.
  • Primary Care Workforce. Recognizing that primary care is the foundation of an effective health care delivery system, SMLMA supports efforts to strengthen the local primary care workforce. The medical association is a strong proponent of the Santa Rosa Family Medicine Residency Program and of the Health Action Primary Care Workforce plan, which seeks to ensure that every local resident has access to a patient-centered medical home.
  • Nonprofit Leadership. SMLMA members serve in leadership positions for many nonprofit health organizations, including Health Action and its iWALK and Primary Care Collaborative, the Specialty Access Task Force, the Children’s Health Initiative, the Sonoma Health Alliance, the Perinatal Substance Abuse Council, the Residency Program Collaborative, the Oral Health Planning Group, and Partnership HealthPlan.


Medical-legal information. SMLMA members can contact attorney David Berry, Esq. for a legal consultation at no charge consulting on contracts and agreements, subpoenas, employer/employee relations, collections, confidentiality, and records retention. Members can also call the CMA Member Help Center for assistance with general, legal and reimbursement issues. In addition, members can access the CMA Medical-Legal Library, an online resource containing over 3,000 pages of medical-legal, regulatory and reimbursement information. These documents are free to members; nonmembers pay $2 per page.

Collegial Events. SMLMA encourages physician collegiality in Sonoma, Mendocino and Lake Counties by sponsoring annual events. During the popular annual Awards Dinner, the medical association presents Outstanding Achievement awards to local physicians and community members. The informal Physician Appreciation Reception, held at a different locations each year, allows physicians to interact with their colleagues in a relaxed and convivial atmosphere.

CMA Meetings. SMLMA members regularly participate in meetings sponsored by the California Medical Association. Each fall, delegates from SMLMA attend the House of Delegates, which establishes the policies that guide CMA. During the spring, SMLMA members enroll in the CMA Leadership Academy, which helps physicians understand the latest trends in health care and develop leadership skills.

Legislative Advocacy. Physicians consistently indicate that influencing public policy is a top priority. SMLMA members regularly meet with local representatives and with candidates for public office. Members are also invited to participate in the annual Legislative Day, when physicians from around the state convene in Sacramento to meet with legislators and other government officials.

SMLMA Councils and Committees

Members who are interested in influencing public policy, upholding professional standards or reviewing publications can participate in SMLMA councils and committees, including:

  • Regional Council's representing Sonoma, Mendocino and Lake Counties meeting the variying and specific needs of our rural communities. 
  • Awards. Reviews nominations from membership and provides a recommendation to the board for the annual "Outstanding Contribution" and "Recognition of Achievement" awards. 
  • Community Health. Works collaboratively with other organizations and advises the board on SCMA activities promoting a healthy community focusing on reducing obesity and improve oral health in our communities. 
  • Government Relations/Legislative. Serves as liaison between SMLMA and local, state and national legislators communicating physician views on health-related issues, and encourages physicians to participate in the political process. 
  • Health Careers Scholarship. Organized to disburse funds for financial assistance to qualified applicants from Sonoma County who follow the careers of medicine or nursing. Selects recipients of the annual high school scholarship awards.
  • Membership. Oversees new member application processes including orientation and information for new members. Also advised the board on recruitment and retention campaigns.
  • Nominations.  Reviews nominations from membership and provides a recommendation to the board for the annual election slate of officers.
  • Physician Wellness and Well-Being. Advises the board on SMLMA activities committed to improving physician practice viability and promoting healthy lifestyle for physicians.

Medical Society of Sonoma County (MSSC)

MSSC is SCMA's 501(c)(3) established in 2017 - This corporation was formed to provide support for local physicians and their efforts to enhance the health of the community.  MSSC services are provided through the offering of a wide array of referred resources, wellness education, community outreach, medical and health educational training, health screenings and collegial benefits to SMLMA members.  

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